Huff. Masih jarang nulis insight belakangan ini. Selain karena gak enak badan, di sisi lain berasa ga dapet insight. Iya sih, rutinitas yang sebelumnya getol saya lakukan (nonton video Bro Bo Sanchez) terhenti belakangan ini. Niat mendengarkan audio atau menonton video sermon belum kesampean nih. Duh!
Rasanya lagi dihinggap "virus" males. Oh no! Ini sih "penyakit" lama yang akut, kambuh, dan belum juga sembuh.
Guys, have you ever feel that you are so overwhelmed by laziness?
Saya pribadi kalo lagi di timpa kemalasan, malesnya itu bukan cuma di salah 1 hal, tapi di hal lain. Biasanya kemalasan ini terjadi karena kita membiarkan kedisiplinan kita kendor. Judulnya sih cuma "gak apa deh bolos 1 kali", tapi kalau kita ga tegas sama diri kita sendiri, selanjutnya akan males terus dan lama kelamaan saat mau memulai kembali, rasanya berat sehingga rasanya tambah males, dan akan terus seperti itu.
Begitu juga dengan godaan terutama untuk melakukan hal yang tidak baik. Sekalinya kita melanggar, maka selanjutnya kita akan terus tergoda untuk melakukan pelanggaran dan akan bergulung terus menerus.
Di sini lah kita butuh Roh Kudus untuk mengingatkan kita.
Matius 26:41(TB)
Berjaga-jagalah dan berdoalah, supaya kamu jangan jatuh ke dalam pencobaan: roh memang penurut, tetapi daging lemah.”
So, guys, tetap berdoa dan minta pertolongan Roh Kudus. Ada baiknya jika sesekali kita berpuasa untuk menguatkan roh kita. Jangan lupa yang paling penting yaitu bina hubungan dengan Tuhan dan baca Firman sehingga kita bisa semakin peka mendengar guidance dari Tuhan.
Happy sunday!
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----------------------------------------Sigh! I still so seldom in writing Insight this week. I still feel unwell and on the other side, I feel I got no Insight to share with. Indeed, my routine to watch Brother Bo Sanchez's video stopped lately. My will to listen sermon in audio or even watch in video is still a will, not happen yet. Ouch!
I feel like I hijacked by LAZINESS. Oh no! It is "acute illness" and I sill not overcome it yet.
Guys, have you ever feel that you are so overwhelmed by laziness?
Foe me, if I got "attacked" by laziness, it's not in just 1 aspect, but to almost all aspects. Usually, laziness come because we give ourselves 1 time to absence from our routine discipline. We think it is ok to absence 1 time, but if you can't be decisive you yourself, you will be absence for a long time. And when you want to start again, it feel so hard and usually makes you feel more lazy and it will going on.
It is the same sequence with temptation to do thing that is not good. Once you break it, you will be tempted to do it again and again. It will keep going on and on.
That's why we need Holy Spirit to help us.
Matthew 26:41 (ERV)
Stay awake and pray for strength against temptation. Your spirit wants to do what is right, but your body is weak.
So, guys, keep praying and ask help from Holy Spirit. It will be good if some time we do fasting to strengthen our spirit. And don't forget the most important thing, it is building intimate relationship with God and read bible. We need to read His Word so we able to hear His guidance.
Happy sunday!
----------------------------------------Sigh! I still so seldom in writing Insight this week. I still feel unwell and on the other side, I feel I got no Insight to share with. Indeed, my routine to watch Brother Bo Sanchez's video stopped lately. My will to listen sermon in audio or even watch in video is still a will, not happen yet. Ouch!
I feel like I hijacked by LAZINESS. Oh no! It is "acute illness" and I sill not overcome it yet.
Guys, have you ever feel that you are so overwhelmed by laziness?
Foe me, if I got "attacked" by laziness, it's not in just 1 aspect, but to almost all aspects. Usually, laziness come because we give ourselves 1 time to absence from our routine discipline. We think it is ok to absence 1 time, but if you can't be decisive you yourself, you will be absence for a long time. And when you want to start again, it feel so hard and usually makes you feel more lazy and it will going on.
It is the same sequence with temptation to do thing that is not good. Once you break it, you will be tempted to do it again and again. It will keep going on and on.
That's why we need Holy Spirit to help us.
Matthew 26:41 (ERV)
Stay awake and pray for strength against temptation. Your spirit wants to do what is right, but your body is weak.
So, guys, keep praying and ask help from Holy Spirit. It will be good if some time we do fasting to strengthen our spirit. And don't forget the most important thing, it is building intimate relationship with God and read bible. We need to read His Word so we able to hear His guidance.
Happy sunday!
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